ARGOS® 3X multi-scanner system for digitizing slides. Consisting of: 1 scanner unit 1X equipped with one 2x, one 20x and one 40x lens UPLXAPOxX & 2 scanner units 1X equipped with one 2x and one 20x lens UPLXAPOx
Number of scanners: 3 – 6 (depending on customer demand and adjustable at any time)
Throughput: 250 slides per hour (based on 15x15mm tissue; 20X magnification)
Slide loading capacity: 420 slides (21 baskets of 20 slides)
Objectives: 2X, 20X or 40X
File formats: TIFF/DICOM
Cytology slides: Yes
Resolution: 0,36μm/pixel at 20X; 0,18μm/pixel at 40X
Barcode Recognition: All formats
Weight: 690 KG
Dimension: 1,660 mm x 770 mm x 1,610 mm
Continuous Loading: Yes (load-and-go)
Priority Scan: Yes (automatic)
Rescan Function: Yes (on demand)
Live Microscopy: Yes
Interim Storage: Yes (slide hotel)
Slide Archiving System: Yes (automatic)
Remote Service: Yes